Localization vs. Translation: Do You Know the Difference?

Localization and translation are both essential but serve different roles in multilingual communication. This blog defines each and the distinctions between the two, emphasizing why localization goes beyond translation to adapt content culturally and contextually for multilingual audiences.

In today’s global marketplace, telling your brand’s story across cultural and linguistic boundaries can be challenging. As a leader in the language services industry, Interpro Translation Solutions knows the key isn’t just translation—it’s localization. Let’s explore why both are critical when analyzing how to choose a translation company.

Topics covered in this article:

  • What are the differences between translation and localization?
  • What is translation?
  • What is localization?
  • Translation vs Localization Example
  • Commonly Localized Elements
  • Why Localization Matters in Business
  • Localization Examples by Industry
  • Next Steps: Translation is One Part of the Localization Process


What are the differences between translation and localization?

Translation and localization may seem similar, but they serve different purposes. Translation transforms the text, but localization transforms the content entirely.

Translation converts text from one language to another and aspires to language accuracy, while localization adapts content to fit the cultural norms and preferences of the target audience to ensure cultural relevance.


What is Translation?

In its simplest form, translation means taking your message and changing it into another language, so people from different parts of the world can understand it. It’s all about making sure the words match from one language to another.


What is Localization?

Localization goes a step further; it’s about making sure your message feels right at home in another culture. This means not just changing your words into another language but also considering local customs, humor, the audience, and tone of voice.

In essence, while translation handles the linguistic part of the communication, localization ensures the message is culturally and contextually tailored to the audience, making the entire experience feel native to them.

Another way to think about it: Both translation and localization are essential for talking to the world—the first makes sure you’re heard, and the second makes sure you’re understood.

While translation opens the door to a new language, localization invites people in, makes them comfortable, and helps them understand your brand in a way that feels specially tailored for them.

To learn about localization further, read What is Localization and Why is it Important?


Translation vs. Localization Example

Here’s a table translating “hello”:

Language Translation
French Bonjour
German Guten Tag

But do you want a formal greeting or an informal greeting? Depending on your brand and target audience, this is a simple example of localization and changing the content based on your intended message.

Here’s the same table with both informal and formal localizations and how this very simple tone shift would change the translation:




French Bonjour Salut Allô; Hey; Bon matin (Good morning) – Common ways to say “hello” in Quebec!
German Guten Tag Hallo Grüß Gott; Grüß dich; Servus – Common ways to say “hello” in southern Germany and Austria!


Commonly Localized Elements

Localization also takes into account colors, imagery, idioms and so many other nuances that may not translate well and could adjust these to better appeal to the local market.

Here are some elements that commonly need to be localized:

  • Language nuances, jokes, slang, idioms
  • Date
  • Time
  • Measurement units (metric vs. imperial)
  • Currency
  • Phone numbers
  • Websites
  • SEO, keywords, metadata, tags, product descriptions
  • Graphic Text
  • Icons
  • Colors
  • Legal compliance to laws and regulations
  • Right-to-left (RTL) language support
  • Space and formatting
  • Non-English script support (Russian, Japanese, Greek, Hindi, etc)

This is why Interpro offers localization consulting with expert advice for any project in any industry. This service is all about making sure your content fits the language and culture of its new audience, including the specific words and sensitivities of different sectors.


Why Localization Matters in Business

Localization is crucial for scaling a business globally because it enhances communication. It makes your message clear and culturally appropriate, helping international audiences understand, connect, and trust your brand.

Building trust can increase sales and brand loyalty by showing respect for local cultures and languages, and improve user experience by adapting products and services to meet local preferences. Additionally, localization boosts market reach by addressing language barriers and local nuances, increases competitive advantage by differentiating your brand from competitors, and ensures compliance with local legal and regulatory standards.

Franchise Company Example: McDonald’s is a prime example of a company that has used localization to successfully grow internationally. In different countries, McDonald’s tailors its menu to local tastes and preferences. For instance, in India, where beef is not widely consumed for religious reasons, McDonald’s offers the Chicken Maharaja Mac and the McAloo Tikki burger. In Japan, they have introduced items like the Teriyaki McBurger. This localization strategy has helped McDonald’s resonate with local customers, driving global expansion and increasing market share in diverse regions.

Single Document Example: While translation might accurately convert an English user manual into Spanish, localization would ensure that the measurements in the manual are converted to the metric system if it’s being used in a country that prefers metric units. It would also ensure the customer service line goes to local business that speaks the language.

Interpro is a company that illustrates the comprehensive approach to localization, offering services to help clients’ content resonate within each specific cultural and linguistic framework. We engage native speakers with an in-depth understanding of local customs to ensure their translations are not only accurate but also culturally relevant.

Furthermore, we offer our clients specialized translation and localization services for a wide range of applications, including eLearning materials, documents, videos, websites, and software. Here are just some that we assist with:


Localization Examples by Industry

Interpro places a strong emphasis on the industry-specific requirements that necessitate a deep understanding of localization.

Associations & Nonprofit Localization

Interpro enhances outreach by localizing content to resonate with diverse communities while preserving the core message.

For example, a global nonprofit organization used Interpro’s services to translate their website materials into multiple languages. Localization included adapting educational content and communication to reflect local cultural values and traditions, ensuring that their message was both respectful and compelling across different regions. This approach led to increased engagement and understanding among members.

eLearning & Education Localization

Interpro transforms educational content to align with local learning styles and cultural contexts.

For instance, an international eLearning platform worked with Interpro to localize their training modules for various markets. This involved not only translating text but also adapting examples, idioms, and scenarios to be culturally relevant. By incorporating local educational practices and sensitivities, the platform improved learner engagement and satisfaction, leading to better educational outcomes and broader acceptance in new regions.

Healthcare & Medical Localization

Interpro prioritizes precision and cultural sensitivity in medical translations to ensure patient safety and compliance.

For example, a benefits company used Interpro to translate patient benefits and clinical documentation. Localization involved adapting medical terms and instructions to match local medical practices and regulatory requirements. This meticulous approach prevented potential misunderstandings and ensured that patients received accurate and culturally appropriate information, thereby safeguarding health outcomes and enhancing regulatory compliance.

Human Resources Localization

Interpro customizes HR materials to meet local legal and cultural expectations.

For instance, a multinational corporation relied on Interpro to translate and localize their employee handbooks and training programs. Localization included adjusting workplace policies and benefits descriptions to align with local labor laws and cultural norms. This ensured that employees in different regions received clear, compliant, and culturally relevant HR information, which helped improve employee satisfaction and reduce legal risks.

Manufacturing Localization

Interpro adapts technical documentation and operational instructions to local standards and practices.

For example, a global manufacturing company worked with Interpro to localize their equipment manuals and safety guidelines for various international markets. Localization involved translating technical terms and units of measurement, as well as adapting safety protocols to comply with local regulations. This enabled the company to maintain consistent quality and safety standards while efficiently serving diverse global markets.

eCommerce Localization

Interpro localizes online shopping experiences to cater to regional preferences and behaviors.

For example, an international eCommerce platform used Interpro to translate and localize their website and product descriptions. Localization included adapting currency formats, payment methods, and marketing messages to align with local shopping habits and preferences. This approach enhanced user experience, increased conversion rates, and boosted sales across different regions by making the online shopping experience more relevant and accessible.

Travel Localization

Interpro tailors travel content to reflect local customs and preferences.

For instance, a global travel agency partnered with Interpro to localize their promotional materials, travel guides, and booking platforms. Localization involved translating travel recommendations and itineraries into local languages while considering cultural norms and tourism trends. This ensured that the content resonated with travelers from different regions, enhancing their engagement and satisfaction with the agency’s offerings and services.

These examples showcase the depth of cultural understanding required in localization. Interpro’s focus on such diversity highlights its dedication to delivering content that is not just linguistically accurate but also culturally relevant and sensitive.


What About AI Translation & Localization?

While human translation remains the gold standard, tight timelines or constrained budgets can come into play. That’s where AI translation services emerge as an attractive alternative.

But can this technology effectively localize content? Sometimes.

Interpro has stepped forward with innovative AI Translation Services that marry the efficiency of artificial intelligence with the nuanced understanding of human experts. This hybrid approach provides a more time and cost-effective solution for language needs while acknowledging the limitations of AI in capturing the subtleties of cultural localization.

AI translation is less error-prone when applied to more straightforward content types, such as instructions, technical specifications, and user manuals. However, with content that has more emotional depth or marketing messages aimed at specific cultural groups, the technology is limited due to its lack of localization capabilities. Learn more about implementing AI translation into your company’s processes.


Next Steps: Translation is One Part of the Localization Process

Translation is the process of converting text from one language to another, preserving the meaning and context as much as possible. On the other hand, localization goes beyond mere translation; it involves adapting a product or content to a particular locale’s language and cultural context. This means considering regional differences, cultural nuances, customs, and even local regulations.

If you’re wondering how to choose a translation company, it’s critical to understand that the company should not just provide translation services but be a localization agency at the core of their processes. Localization is one of the most important aspects to ensure communication success.

Here’s a list of next step action points for choosing a translation company:

  1. Verify Translators are Native Speakers with Cultural and Industry Expertise: Ensure the company employs native speakers who live in the target language’s country and are professional translators specializing in localizing your industry’s content.
  2. Check Quality Assurance Processes: Look for a company that uses different native speakers for translation and proofreading to guarantee accuracy and cultural alignment. Look for things like certified translations, ISO certifications, workmanship guaruntees, and extensive quality assurance processes.
  3. Consider a Localization Consultation with Interpro: These are free for any company looking for a translation partner and will ensure you understand the localization requirements for your specific project. We can help you determine if you need localization assistance (and how much localization is required).

Knowing the difference between localization and translation is key for global brand success. Interpro emphasizes the importance of going beyond basic translation to fully grasp cultural nuances, specific industry language, and the newest technology. We also take pride in our tailored services, expert advice, and high-quality commitment.


By paying attention to the details of localization, we help brands like yours connect meaningfully with people worldwide. After all, in the global marketplace, it’s more than just talking the language—it’s about speaking it in a way that’s culturally insightful and sensitive.

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